Welcome to Nova Miniatures, here I will be showing of the models I have painted that are, commission work, destined for ebay or just so well painted I have to show them off! Enjoy!

Thursday 30 September 2010

Sanguinary Guard on their way out

WelL if anyone out there is interested in one of my most recently finished units, then they are currently up for auction on ebay. Please have a look and if you really feel like it have a cheeky bid. Here they are

sanguinary guard

Sunday 26 September 2010

Old Marneus Calgar

Well found this guy in an old box of warhammer I had in my room from when I was a youngster, he was a bit bent and such and I had to remove the banner pole. as a result I used him purely as a painting excercise for NMM and shading the armour successfully. I'm very happy with how he came out, and it only took me a couple of days to do.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Sanguinary Guard

Well Ive been into hospital recently after my appendix popped a little, so ive been recovering from that ordeal, I have since finished some more models though, and first of is a unit of Sanguinary guard. Originally I wanted this to be a spectacularly painted unit that I would put all my effort into so that I could gain some practice into the skill that is True Metallic Metal. The first model that I painted I went along that path, and put a lot of effort into blending the metals together. I was very happy with the results. more pictures HERE

sanguinary guard

But then i realised that it was taking far too long to paint, as that one guy took 3 days alone, and decided to get the rest done sharpish, and here is the result of that. its clear that the rest of the models are more sharply highlighted and a bit rougher around the edges, but as a unit I'm very happy with them I hope that you like them too.