Welcome to Nova Miniatures, here I will be showing of the models I have painted that are, commission work, destined for ebay or just so well painted I have to show them off! Enjoy!

Thursday 19 August 2010

The Army Marches Away

Well I'm extremely happy with the success of my first army, as it sold on ebay first time round with multiple bidders. It's a good feeling when your work is appreciated! Next up is a unit of sanguinary guard, im thinking I might use these as a base for a new army of blood angels, never really had a go painting red yet, so will be a good challenge. will have some pics up soon of the work so far, just a bit busy moving to a new flat, so there may be some delay.

Monday 16 August 2010

The Army Marches Forth

Hello all, I've finished the space wovles army, and am very happy with the result, especially since it is the first that I have ever done. I tried to keep it close to the GW colour scheme, and just darkened the greys to a more heavy shadow grey. I've got them up on ebay and hope that they will sell well. Fingers crossed.
To finish the army off I added an extra dread, vindicator and 5 wolf guard terminators.

The next project is some more sanguinary guard, the plan is to paint these to a very high standard so i hope you like them.
