Welcome to Nova Miniatures, here I will be showing of the models I have painted that are, commission work, destined for ebay or just so well painted I have to show them off! Enjoy!

Thursday 22 July 2010

Space wolves Army

Well I've been working quite hard on this army, its not quite finished yet, ive got a vindicator, dread and some terminators to finish. The pictures arent perfect and i will be adding some more up to date images soon. Most units have been painted to a fairly high standard but not to my highest as I'm hoping to get the army ready for sale on eBay.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Ork Big Mek

I must say that this is one of my favourite models to paint and very under-rated for that purpose. I feel the orks have become a bit sidelined due to the large number of them in circulation, which isnt fair for this extremely well sculpted model.

Sanguinary Guard

Well i decided to paint these guys as soon as I saw them up on the games workshop website, they just looked fantastic and I decided that I needed to have a go painting them myself. I'm actually hoping to get hold of a few more sets of these to see if I can improve on what ive already done.