Welcome to Nova Miniatures, here I will be showing of the models I have painted that are, commission work, destined for ebay or just so well painted I have to show them off! Enjoy!

Saturday, 25 September 2010

Sanguinary Guard

Well Ive been into hospital recently after my appendix popped a little, so ive been recovering from that ordeal, I have since finished some more models though, and first of is a unit of Sanguinary guard. Originally I wanted this to be a spectacularly painted unit that I would put all my effort into so that I could gain some practice into the skill that is True Metallic Metal. The first model that I painted I went along that path, and put a lot of effort into blending the metals together. I was very happy with the results. more pictures HERE

sanguinary guard

But then i realised that it was taking far too long to paint, as that one guy took 3 days alone, and decided to get the rest done sharpish, and here is the result of that. its clear that the rest of the models are more sharply highlighted and a bit rougher around the edges, but as a unit I'm very happy with them I hope that you like them too.

1 comment:

  1. Dude there rlly good, al I have to say is that you got the feather shoulder pads on the wrong side and that the eyes are too staring, give them a ogryn flesh wash. Other than that, they're fantastic!
